Getting Started


Navigating this course

The menu will easily guide you through each section of the course. I recommend you take a peek through it to give you a sense of the overall flow and rhythm before you dive in. Be sure to spend some time with the philosophy section to learn what Painting as a Spiritual Practice is all about.

Although the course is presented as five week increments, it is also completely self-paced. You have access to it for life, so take whatever time you need to make your way through. Think of each week as a new theme to explore and stage in the process, rather than a time constraint.

Within each week you will find 6 areas of content related to its theme:

  1. Weekly Theme - An introduction to the week’s theme, as it relates to our painting process and our daily life.

  2. Painting Process - The week’s instructional painting videos, a brief written overview of the steps covered in each video, as well as photos demonstrating each step of the process.

  3. Meditation - Meditation continues to be such an important part of my own spiritual painting practice that I want to share it with you, even if you’ve never meditated before. Each week you will find guided, themed meditations to fill your inner cup along the way.

  4. Writing Practice - Here you will find writing prompts to encourage and support self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our weekly themes.

  5. Living Arts Practice - Yoga and other arts-related practices to support the journey are tucked in this area. Sometimes the art practices will be directly related to the painting process (e.g.: learning how to sketch in week 1).

  6. Resources - There are so many great teachers and teachings I want to share with you. You’ll find some of my favourites here.

An abundance of resources and practices have also been included to enrich and expand your learning. Given that everyone has a different size appetite for this personal work, please know that you can always choose to focus solely on those pieces that resonate with you.

Setting up your sacred painting space

In week two, in the Living Arts Practice section, you will find an invitation to claim your own sacred creative space. Skip right to it to dive deep into setting up your dedicated space, or simply opt for working within any space that is accessible to you at the time. Whichever you choose, you might also create a simple, small altar with meaningful items (i.e., pictures, stones, jewellery, natural objects, etc.) that will support your journey. Listen to what item(s) want to inspire you when you paint, and add them to your support team!


For technical assistance with this e-course, click here.

One-on-One Creative/Intuitive Mentoring is also available if you:

  • want some extra help and encouragement to get you started on your painting journey

  • feel stuck emotionally, mentally or spiritually in relation to any part of this course

  • would like personalized painting guidance that meets you where you’re at in your painting process

These 45-minute mentoring sessions are $75 CAD, and can take place via skype or phone. To request a session, email me at