Week 6 ~ ChoosE Peace
What if choosing peace was a primary value of cultivating sacred relationships with our self and others?
GUIDED Meditation
photo credit: Kelly Rae Roberts
Suggested Reading
From Protection & Boundaries, by Pixie Lighthorse...
- Overstimulation - 61.
- Stepping back for clarity - 63
- Cool off - 69.
- Time out for rage - 73.
- Understanding rage - 75
- Make room for healing - 107
- Choose your armour - 45
Writing Practice
Some reflection questions to point you towards peace (care of tinybuddha.com);
- What if there was nothing I needed to fix in me? What if there was nothing I needed to change?
- What if I was perfect just the way I am now?
- What if I didn’t have to punish myself to get the lesson?
- What if I didn't have to apologize?
- What if what I need is already here?
- What if I didn't have to figure it all out?
- What if exactly what I need is happening already?
Photo by Tom Holmes
Additional Resources
Yoga Suggestions
Legs up the wall pose
- Relieves anxiety
- Refreshes energy through the body
- Stimulates third eye and crown chakras
(click here for full instructions)
Standing Forward Bend
- Balances the body
- Combines elements of activity and passivity
- Calming for the mind
- Teaches patience, acceptance and surrender
- Relieves stress
Painting Overview
* Glaze painting using one colour on entire canvas
* Bring back skin/texture on main image, by using a small amount of chosen paint colour. Dry-brush for smooth texture, or use brush that creates the texture that you are seeking to create i.e., fur, feathers, etc.
* Begin to bring chosen colours into the different areas/shapes in your painting using the most appropriate techniques for your image. Consider using thicker amounts of paint and multiple techniques to add interest and pop to your painting. i.e., words, patterns, etc.
Glaze and first layer of skin
Picking colours and bringing image forward
- header photo credit: David Noton