Retreats, Meditation & Creative Visioning
A little about my approach...
Healthy relationships with ourselves and others requires cultivation.
It is through nurturing a preferred and mindful culture that old or unhealthy patterns within relationships or organizations begin to transform. That your organization is ready to invest time and resources to creating a healthier culture is an exciting first step.
My approach focuses on the well-being of both the individual and the organization as a whole, as healthy individuals create healthy organizations, communities and families. I work with staff, boards and organizational leaders to design and integrate mindful culture at all levels.
This often takes the form of…
Weekly hour, or half-hour mindfulness sessions with staff - Each session is uniquely themed and focuses on both personal wellness and stress reduction, as well as greater organizational values and interpersonal mindfulness practice (*highly recommended as a part of a successful and ongoing mindfulness strategy)
One-to-one consultation with staff and/or leadership to design strategies that best support healthy individuals, relationships and organizational values
Staff retreats - Annual or bi-annual, retreats as a high value investment in the well-being of staff, and the organization.
Mindful strategic planning & visioning
What is Mindfulness?
Broadly speaking, mindfulness is another way of talking about ethics and how we can best live our lives.
In practice, mindfulness encourages and enables greater awareness within all spheres of our life, including; relationships, physical and mental health, and personal fulfillment.
Bringing mindfulness into organizational practice offers an inspiring demonstration of how the well-being of the individual influences the well-being of the organization.
Common Outcomes
Reduced stress and anxiety
Improved efficiency
Improved concentration and memory
Improved communication
Improved creativity for problem solving
Enhanced energy and enthusiasm
Improved time management
Improved work/life balance
Improved overall health and wellness
Deepened levels of relaxation
Lowered blood pressure
Strengthened immune system
* Mindy Body Institute - Harvard Medical School
Some background about me...
During my previous work within the social service sector, I discovered how acutely highly stressful work was impacting dedicated frontline workers, and thus the effectiveness of their organizations. This insight inspired me to found ‘Pathways’ in 2008; a personal, organizational and community wellness venture, offering workshops, retreats and consulting oriented around the theme of mindfulness.
I have had the good fortune of being mentored by organizational innovators at the Kaiser Institute in Brighton Colorado, and have studied mindfulness, meditation and innovative organizational practices in locations across the US. I have also worked with some fantastic organizations locally, bringing mindfulness into both hearts and organizational strategy, including; Hydro One Remote, Our Kids Count, The Ministry of Natural Resources, Canadian Mental Health Association, Faye Peterson Transition House, Lakehead University, Children’s Centre Thunder Bay, The Smith Clinic and TBRHSC.
Combining my personal understanding of the impact of high stress professions with my experiential knowledge of wellness based practices, I offer an accessible, practical and substantively effective approach to personal and organizational well-being.
Some past clients include: