
Part 3 ~ Blocking


* Choose 3 colours to begin a foundational layer within your image. (These will NOT be your final colours, so not to worry about colour choices). If you make mistakes drawing your lines, simply change them to you liking since they will be covered up in the next layer anyhow

* Use the dry-brush technique with hog hair brushes proportional to the area being painted (choose larger rather than smaller brushes). Use very little paint and brush it on using a circular motion, allowing your brush to run out of paint. Vary coverage, with the background showing through in some places. Leave a 'glow' around some lines: leave space between the area being filled and the outline, allowing some of your background layers to remain visible


Part 4 ~ Adding Dimension


* Begin by choosing 3 colours in light/medium/dark (colour palette is still not important). You can also use the same colour with more or less white mixed in to create a light, medium and dark shade of that colour

* Using a larger hog hair brush that fits the spaces you will be working in. With a small amount of  paint in a scratchy, circular motion, bring light paint into light areas of the face (or main image) first. Light areas are those which are furthest forward. Bring darks to areas furthest back. Fill in medium spaces by blending into darks and lights

* Repeat the process of adding dark/med/light until desired shading and shape is achieved. Remember to stand back from your canvas often to get a better sense of your painting, and continue tweaking it using the three tones. Complete at least two layers here.... more if desired

* Watch the bonus painting time-lapse videos in the ‘extras’ section of the course for additional examples of this step


Part 5 ~ Softening the image


* Choose three new tones, different than those used already, to work with on the main image. These tones are not the colours, as we will continue to change the colour of the main image several more times throughout the process. Simply choose a different dark, medium and light to work with for now

* With the layer underneath as a guide, and using even less paint, add another layer of darks, mediums and lights, blending out even more than you did for the previous layer