
Part 6 ~ Eyes


* If you have a being that has open eyes, continue to add and play with colour in the iris. You might experiment with technique and texture in this part of the eyes as desired

* Keep in mind that just as in the face, the eyes need three tones (dark, medium and light) in order to really bring them to life

* Add a reflection of light in each eye to bring them to life further, mirroring the same pattern of light in each


Part 7 & 8 ~ Patterns & Symbols


* When adding pattern, you might use stencils or brushes in the shape that you are trying to make. Keep in mind that square brushes make square things and round brushes make round things

* Consider your background. What is the environment? Is there more imagery that wants to be added? Would my painting benefit from being simplified in any way? (Even when we ‘let things go’ in our painting, they remain an important part of the creation process and the healing energy held within our image)

* Add additional images, symbols or helpers using the techniques used until now, beginning with using a small round brushes to draw in the outline, then fill in using the blocking technique, and so on

* If desired, for larger additions, you may also want to use 3 tones to add dimension to the new images. This is not always necessary since sometimes the additions may be simpler in contrast to the main imagery in your painting. You may also use the three tones in a more textural way rather than using the smooth dry-brush technique. i.e., fur. The 3 tone principle would still apply, but the texture can always vary

* Strengthen the lines the face, opening each sense mindfully (eyes, nose, mouth, ears) as you do this process. Use a small synthetic round brush and (usually) a darker paint colour. Use the same process to bring back some of the lines that may have been softened during the dry-brush process, bringing awareness to the 'waking up' of your image. Be selective and inconsistent in the strengthening of the lines so as not to flatten the image out again