
Part 9 ~ Shadows & Lights


* Using any dark colour (same dark colour for entire painting) and a small or medium hog hair brush, tend the entire painting with shadow. Consider what is in front of what, and add dark paint on the side of the line where the image goes back using the dry brush technique. This will make the image in front pop off of the shadow. In less obvious places, don't worry too much about what should be in front of what... there is no right way... you get to make the call. Also take a moment to consider deepening some of the darks in your painting to develop contrast even further

* Adding light sources.... considering if there is a light source in your painting or if it is generally front lit, add a paint colour that is even lighter than the lightest light you've used so far to bring parts of your image even further forward

* You will know when you have achieved good contrast when you can squint your eyes at your painting and really see that there are distinct darks and lights. If it all looks like it blends together, consider getting even a little more brave with the lights and darks


Part 10 ~ Glazing


* Glaze the entire painting using one watery layer of paint (golden fluid acrylics are best). Colour is not overly important at this point, as we will be adding an entire layer of paint in our chosen colour palette in a future step

* Avoid using any creamy colours, especially white, as it is the most opaque colour and will cover much of what is underneath

* Have your spray bottle and rag handy in case the paint gets too thick you can spray it and smooth it out

* If after doing this step, your painting does not look like it is visibly tinted to the new colour, it means you used too much water. Try the step again using a little less